• The Fall and Its Consequences

  • God created heaven and earth but earth was formless, dark, and void unlike god but due to the devil's presence. 

  • God entrusted humans with dominion, but sin caused them to lose their authority to the devil.

  • This led to two opposing kingdoms:

  • The Kingdom of God: Light, truth, and love.

  • The Kingdom of Darkness: Sin, lies, and death.

Resistance and Subduing

  • The command to “subdue” the Earth implies bringing something under control or overpowering it.

  • Humanity’s failure to subdue led to spiritual darkness on Earth.

  • Redemption Through Jesus Christ

Due to the fall of humanity, the earth was no longer under God's Kingdom. However, God promised to reclaim it. (how did he say this?) He said that a woman, born from you, would restore it, meaning she would redeem what rightfully belongs to Him. (Genesis 3:15)

  • Jesus was able to restore the dominion over the earth that mankind had relinquished to the devil. 

  • Sin and death entered through one man (Adam), but salvation came through another (Jesus Christ).

  • God's word is bound by His principles; He honors His own promises and upholds His covenant.

             Romans 5:12-19
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!

God had to become human to restore humanity's rightful place. Just like the concept of redemption—buying back something that belongs to you, even if it had been lost—God's redemption plan was set in motion through Jesus, who fulfilled that promise. Jesus’ human form was key to restoring humanity, fulfilling God’s unshakable principles and redemption plan.

Isaiah 59:16

He saw that there was no man, And wondered that there was no intercessor; Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him; And His own righteousness, it sustained Him.

  • The Power of the Word

  • God Does not lie, this is not his character 

  • God, honoring His unchanging Word and covenant, he became human in Jesus Christ to fulfill His promise of redemption and restore humanity's lost dominion without violating His divine principles.

      Psalm 138:2  I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name. 

  • Restoration of Authority

  • Jesus defeated the devil’s power, restoring humanity’s role in God’s kingdom 

  • Through His death and resurrection, believers are empowered to:

    • Resist the kingdom of darkness.

    • Expand God’s kingdom on Earth.

Luke 10:18-19
He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

  • What is our role in the Kingdom of God? 

We are not just participants but active agents in God’s kingdom. Each person has a role to:

  • Execute God’s will on Earth in their daily lives.

  • Use their gifts and talents to serve the kingdom.

  • Rely on God’s Word as their guide and authority.

Psalm 115:16 - The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.

God’s kingdom is about reclaiming what was lost and fulfilling God’s purpose on Earth. Jesus Christ restored humanity’s dominion, and through Him, we are empowered to live victoriously and expand God’s kingdom.

Discussion Verse 

  • 1 Cor 15

Reflection Question

  1. How can we actively participate in building God's kingdom in our lives and communities?

  2. How does the Bible describe the characteristics of God’s Kingdom?

  3. How does the "Kingdom of Heaven" differ from the "Kingdom of God"?

    1. Look into Matt 3:2 vs Mark 1:15

When you pray, remind God of His promises in scripture, acknowledging His authority and aligning yourself with His will.